Habs season survey - Results : Part1
Quick look on the results of a Habs survey I made before the season
This is the first of many articles you will see on a weekly basis. Here, the goal was to visualize the results of a survey I made about a week before the season and that I closed after the first game of the season against Toronto. No real analysis to make here, just enjoy the viz and vibe.
For the viz you see above, I wanted to challenge myself into doing something different from what I have been doing before. This is why I spent a good 2 days of searching for inspiration. For the points viz, there was no real tutorial on how to make this precisely… so I had to do what any programmer would do : separate the big task into multiple smaller sub-tasks and find the answer for each of them on Stack Overflow. Form a personal experience, part of getting better at programming is knowing more about what you are looking for on Stack Overflow. Programming is big and I don’t think I will know everything by heart one day, but experience has taught me they key words I need to write on Google to find the answers I need when I need them. I think this viz has about 50% of the questions of the survey. The goal is to make the viz with all the questions/answers for next week.
I have started working on some work about potential topics for the newsletter and I can tell you you will like it. Next week, I’m releasing part2 of the survey results, but after that, we might take a look about the performances of the Canadiens early this season.